Welcome to GOD’s Flesh

Image from: welcome2hope.org

We believe Jesus died on the cross to give us more and better things than what we see in church today.

Specifically, we believe God will restore everything we see in the bible in these end-times [Acts 3.21], and then Jesus Christ will come back for HIS Glorious Church, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish.

GOD’s Flesh is all about these things—for Kingdom Come and having God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It’s Trinitarian, evangelical, prophetic and apostolic. We belong to no church organization or denomination but to God’s kingdom alone. However, we strongly believe in belonging to the body of Christ so we connect and work with other churches and ministries.

Image from: ww.itimes.com

Get our Emailed Apostolic Teachings (EAT) for FREE! Simply get subscribed. Our goal is to mentor Jesus believers to become genuine Kingdom people, operating in the principles, protocols, value system, working systems, mindsets, perspectives, standards, priorities and operations of King Jesus and His Kingdom as found in Scriptures.

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